I would like to just be real and share my personal God experience with you. I have no agenda and absolutely nothing to gain here. I am not here to try to convince you that I am right and you are wrong about what you believe. I will share what the bible says, God's very word to us. Not what some pastor, priest or even the pope says (people can have their own agendas)- this is what GOD says.
I have come from a place, a very dark place, where I spent a very long time hating God. I was a God-Hater. I had some very big issues with God, and most of it was from faulty information and my own misconception of who God was, what his character was like, and what he thought of me. I had this God thing all wrong. I looked at the life of a Christian as boring, hypocritical, and totally unachievable for me. I was the farthest thing from perfect and isn't that what Christians were supposed to be? Perfect? I had no desire for that kind of life. I hated Christians, church, and was very outspoken about what I thought about all of it.
It wasn’t until my world had completely spiraled out of control that I took a deeper look at this “God Thing”. It was the very last option for me, suicide was more appealing to me than looking to God. That's how much I despised God. God forgive me… (And He has!!!) As I type these words I pray for every person reading this, and I pray that you take the time to really dig into what Truth is.… Nothing in this life is more important than where you may spend eternity…Nothing. Here is one girl’s story of her pain and affliction and the road that lead her to Redemption and Restoration (That girl is me!!)
I would like to dedicate this website to my cousin Lori Parris, without who, this site would not exist! She has been at my side praying me through this, encouraging me when I wanted to scratch the whole thing, and lighting that fire under me to get this DONE! Chop, Chop-let's go!!
Lori-Ann not only are you my biggest fan, you are my very own personal prayer warrior! Thanks for always believing in me!
A special thank you to all my family and friends that have prayed, encouraged me, and loved me through this! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!